Know the basics
Our line of approach is humanistic and eclectic, conceiving that behind each project and/or task there is a BEING that requires being connected, listened to, inspired with passion to put your best version and talent into action.
Keywords such as: transformation, adaptation and rediscovery are our pillars to understand that within each human being there is the power to make changes, only at times the path is not seen, hindering or delaying the exponential growth of professionals.

Insight coaching
It is an dynamic coaching process that will allow you to know your strengths and areas for improvement in just a few meetings. It is an innovative methodology where technology is combined with business needs through a simulator and management conversations. In this way, coaches will be a guide to internalize practical tools by creating new habits. This methodology is very effective in accelerating processes of insight and acquisition of new habits in leadership.
Why choose this process: It is a challenging space and different from a standard coaching process. The insights become evident when using the tools and this generates greater awareness of the impact of behaviors on leadership.

Mindset transformation
It is an excellent time to work with all the leaders of the organization, through group coaching meetings designed exclusively to meet the needs of the business. For a change to be truly effective, we need to be aligned with the leaders’ message to enable new conversations. For this reason, it begins with the first level of leadership up to the coordinators, we work with the emergents that the leaders bring about their situation in the organization and from there, tools, interventions and dynamics are distributed to put intervention strategies into action generating changes in the here and now.
What is the objective of these spaces? The objective is to strengthen the dialogue between the leaders of the organization, as well as strengthen culture and leadership practices, generating a space of trust that will increase commitment and quality in the result of the designed strategy.

Lab well-being
To give our best and let our potential shine, we need to be in a work environment that values well-being, not only in its actions but also in respect for psychological safety, humanized leadership, balance of work with personal life, communications intelligent. Prioritizing ourselves is key to giving our best.
Our exclusive designs will allow us to diagnose the opportunities of the area/team and from there build an intervention according to the needs.
Benefits of these work spaces: They raise awareness of the importance of constantly generating healthy habits and the direct impact on people and on the motivation to achieve goals.

Experience of self knowledge
We understand the importance of recognizing and discovering the impact that our energies have on others. Energy is understood as the ability to generate emotional, motivational vibrations that enhance positive and negative behaviors in our environment as leaders. That is why we bring an experience that connects different tools to deepen our self-knowledge with reference to the environment.
It is a unique experience that is intertwined with the objectives and intentions of an area (business), making coaching dynamics and activities available, as well as creating a device to awaken the kundalini energy of the group, generating focus in decision-making and resolution of situations.
What is the benefit? Aim for the well-being of the group by having a team focused on solving objectives from a fluid interpersonal connection, minimizing its stress.

Women´s empowerment
It is a process of empowerment of leaders in the business world. Sessions designed to discover inner power and put into practice a new strength of positioning and attitude in decision-making and conversations that add value to business management.
Each experience is designed to explore, enhance and anchor the energy of feeling that it is possible to lead your own talent, to take ownership of a field of possibilities in organizations.
Some of its benefits: By going through these meetings, they will recognize the skills they can contribute to the corporate world, acquiring resilience and attitude to gain more and more spaces in positions of power. They will discover themselves as protagonists of their development, leaving their mark on their environments.

Growth of talent
In these current contexts, businesses grow rapidly and we find leaders who are not prepared for the senior skills that require positions of exposure and impact in the organization.
That is why we designed a “program to develop future leaders.” We generate holistic contexts with an impact on leadership to articulate the understanding of the business, strategies, influence and lead people managing an inclusive world that invites us to build alliances, systemic resilience, emotional agility, cognitive flexibility and above all understand that power cannot be found. in the hierarchy but in the ability to manage diversity in a broad sense.
Benefits: Having a pool of talent trained for new opportunities and with a humanized leadership profile strengthened in soft skills and resilience for adaptation in contexts of uncertainty

Speaker of success
Observing the needs of senior leaders to be influential and assertive in their communications, this intensive training arises that combines several disciplines such as singing, acting, relaxation techniques, self-knowledge, public speaking and coaching. In this way, we approach from different perspectives the various ways of communicating through the expression and power of the voice, body language and reaction to unexpected events, non-verbal and emotional language.
This training will bring confidence and solidity in the leader’s communications, achieving connection with the public and impactful presentations.
Some benefits: This training will bring confidence and solidity in the leader’s communications, achieving connection with the public and impactful presentations